The Tropical Biology Laboratory (LBT), formerly an Animal Behavior Laboratory, was created in 2003 to meet the needs of a research project funded by Capes.
The Laboratory of Tropical Biology studies environmental, population biology, biodiversity conservation, and applied studies and projects involving fish, reptiles, mammals, insects, mollusc vectors, animal behavior, ichthyoparasitology, health & food safety in fish, environmental indicators, conservation biology and environmental education. The main research focuses of the Laboratory of Tropical Biology are: Ecology, Environmental Education, Animal Parasitology, and Health & Food Safety in Fish.
Phone number: +55 79 3218 2190 Telephone extension 2534
GLOZIO, J. E. S. A.; FALKENBERG, J. M.; PRAXEDES, R.; COUTINHO, A.; LAURINDO, M. K.; PESSANHA, A.; MADI, R. R.; PATRICIO, J.; VENDEL, A. L.; SOUZA, G. T. R.; MELO, C. M.; LACERDA, A. C. F.. Gill parasites of fish from two estuaries in northeastern Brazil: new hosts and geographical records. ANAIS DA ACADEMIA BRASILEIRA DE CIÊNCIAS, v. 2017, p. 1, 2017.
FUJIMOTO, RODRIGO YUDI; COUTO, MÁRCIA VALÉRIA SILVA; SOUSA, NATALINO DA COSTA; MADI, RUBENS RISCALA; EIRAS, JORGE COSTA; MARTINS, MAURÍCIO LATERÇA. Seasonality of Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) inopinatus (Nematoda: Camallanidae) Infection in Bryconops melanurus (Characiformes: Iguanodectidae). BOLETIM DO INSTITUTO DE PESCA (ONLINE), v. 44, p. 334.
MELO, C. M.; CRUZ, A. C. F. G.; LIMA, A. F. V. A.; SILVA, L. R. S.; MADI, R R.; JERALDO, V. L. S.; MERCADO, R.. Triatomine Fauna and Recent Epidemiological Dynamics of Chagas Disease in an Endemic Area of Northeast Brazil. Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases & Medical Microbiology, v. 2018, p. 1-13.
SANTOS, M. A.; PEIXOTO, J. S.; MADI, R. R.; SILVA, T. E.. Protozoan and metazoan parasites of juvenile tambaqui Colossoma macropomum farmed in the Lower São Francisco, Brazil. ACTAPESCA, v. 6, p. 29-34.
CALAZANS, T. A. S.; SOUZA, G. T. R.; MELO, C. M.; MADI, R. R.; JERALDO, V. L. S.. Socioenvironmental factors associated with Schistosoma mansoni infection and intermediate hosts in an urban area of northeastern Brazil. PLoS One, v. 13, p. e0195519.
ALVES, A. M.; SOUZA, G. T. R.; TAKEMOTO, R. M.; TAVARES, L. E. R.; MELO, C. M.; MADI, R. R.; JERALDO, V. L. S.. Occurrence of larvae of trypanorhynch cestodes in snappers (Lutjanidae) from northeast Brazil. REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE PARASITOLOGIA VETERINARIA, v. 27, p. 415-419, 2018.
FUJIMOTO, R Y; COUTO, M V S; SOUSA, N C.; DINIZ, D G.; DINIZ, J A P; MADI, R R.; MARTINS, M L.; EIRAS, J C . Dermocystidium sp. infection in farmed hybrid fish Colossoma macropomum × Piaractus brachypomus in Brazil. JOURNAL OF FISH DISEASES, v. 41, p. 565-568.
HARITH, A.; MAHAMOUD, A.; OSMAN, H.; ABASS, E.; AGIB, A. E.; MADI, R. R.; SEMIAO-SANTOS, S.. Identification of an area predominantly endemic for childhood and adolescent visceral leishmaniasis in central Sudan. ACTA TROPICA, v. 178, p. 142-147.
OMAN, H.; MAHAMOUD, A.; ABASS, E.; MADI, R.R.; SEMIAO-SANTOS, S.; HARITH, A. Local Production of a Liquid Direct Agglutination Test as a Sustainable Measure for Control of Visceral Leishmaniasis in Sudan. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, v. 94, p. 15-0574.
OLIVEIRA, D.S.; CALAZANS, T.A.S.; MELO, A.G.S.; MELO, C.M.; MADI, R.R.; JERALDO, V.L.S. Reflex of urban space changes and climate conditions in Biomphalaria glabrata population dynamics on potential schistosomiasis foci in northeastern Brazil. Scientia Plena, v. 12, p. 086801? 1.
MOLINA, J.P.; MADI, R.R.; SOLFERINI, V.N.; CECCARELLI, P.S.; PINHEIRO, H.P.; UETA, M.T. Trypanosomatids (Protozoa: Kinetoplastida) in three species of Armored Catfish from Mogi-Guaçu river, Pirassununga, São Paulo, Brazil. Revista Brasileira de Parasitologia Veterinária, v. 25, p. 131-141.
NUNES, G.C.; JERONIMO, G.T.; VICENTE, L.R.M.; MADI, R.R.; VALLADAO, G.M.R.; MARTINS, M.L. Trace elements and parasitism in Nile tilapia farmed in the Southern Brazil. Boletim do Instituto de Pesca, v. 42, p. 578-589.
EIRAS, J.C.; FUJIMOTO, R.Y.; MADI, R.R.; JERALDO, V.L.S.; MELO, C.M.; SOUZA, J.S.; DINIZ, J.A.P.; DINIZ, D.G. Kudoa spp. (Myxozoa, Multivalvulida) parasitizing fish caught in Aracaju, Sergipe, Brazil. Revista Brasileira de Parasitologia Veterinária, v. 25, p. 429-434.
CARVALHO, R.P.S.; TAKEMOTO, R.M.; MELO, C.M.; JERALDO, V.L.S.; MADI, R.R. Structure of the parasite infracommunity of Sciades proops from the Japaratuba River Estuary, Sergipe, Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Biology, v. 75, p. 1-0.
PINHEIRO, F.G.M.S.; MADI, R.R.; VAEZ, A.C.; PEREIRA, J.B.; MELO, C.M. Determinantes sociocomportamentais e vulnerabilidade de crianças da educação infantil à pediculose. Cogitare Enfermagem, v. 20, p. 504-511.
TELES, W.S.; SANTANA, K.W.C.; PATRICIO, M.H.; MADI, R.R.; MELO, C.M.; JERALDO, V.L.S. Doença de Chagas infantil em área rural do Nordeste brasileiro: risco de transmissão e reflexões sociais. Interfaces Científicas - Humanas e Sociais, v. 3, p. 9-18.
GUIMARAES, A.O.; VALENCA, F.M.; SOUSA, J.B.S.; SOUZA, S.A.; MADI, R.R.; MELO, C.M. Parasitic and fungal infections in synanthropic rodents in an area of urban expansion, Aracaju, Sergipe State, Brazil - doi: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v36i1.19760. Acta Scientiarum. Biological Sciences, v. 36, p. 113-120.
OLIVEIRA, D.S.; SANTOS, V.B.; MELO, A.G.S.; LIMA, A.S.; CARVALHO, C.D.; ALLEGRETTI, S.M.; MADI, R.R.; MELO, C.M.; JERALDO, V.L.S. Population dynamics of Biomphalaria glabrata in potential schistosomiasis foci in an urban area of Sergipe, Brazil. Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical, v. 46, p. 654-657.
VASCONCELOS, A.C.P.; LOPES, A.C.M.; SANTOS, J.M.S.; JERALDO, V.L.S.; MELO, C.M.; MADI, R.R. Análise molecular e biodiversidade de metazoários parasitas do lambari-de-rabo-amarelo, Astyanax aff. bimaculatus (Teleostei; Characidae), no Baixo São Francisco, Nordeste do Brasil. Neotropical Helminthology, v. 7, p. 41-49.
SILVA, C.E.; ALBUQUERQUE JR, R.L.C.; MELO, C.M.; MADI, R.R. Modeling of indicators for evaluation the sustainability of artisanal fishing in the surrounding of the National Forest Ibura, northeastern Brazil. Revista Ibero-Americana de Ciências Ambientais, v. 4, p. 45.
FONSECA, V.; SOARES, A.C.G.M.; MADI, R.R. Environment and Dengue in districts of Aracaju. Scientia Plena, v. 8, p. 037504-7.
LIMA, A.F.R.; JERALDO, V.L.S.; SILVEIRA, M.S.; MADI, R.R.; SANTANA, T.B.K.; MELO, C.M. Triatomines in dwellings and outbuildings in an endemic area of Chagas disease in northeastern Brazil. Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical, v. 45, p. 701-706.
BRANDAO, I.M.; FONSECA, V.; MADI, R.R. Prevalence of people with Down Syndrome in Brazil. Scientia Plena, v. 8, p. 037501.
SILVA, G.N.; MADI, R.R.; MELO, C.M.; FONSECA, V. Matadouros públicos e saúde ambiental em Sergipe. Saúde e Sociedade, v. 21, p. 1013-1021.
NAMBA, T.K.; MADI, R.R.; UETA, M.T. Ascocotyle sp metacercariae (Digenea: Heterophyidae) in tissues of mullets Mugil liza and Mugil curema (Osteichthyes: Mugilidae) collected in the fish trade of the Iguape City, São Paulo, Brazil. Neotropical Helminthology, v. 6, p. 271-275.
MADI, R.R.; UETA, M.T.; FREZZA, T.F.; MULLER, M.I.; SIMIONATTO, K.B. Copépodos Notodiaptomus sp. Kiefer (Crustacea, Calanoida) naturalmente infectados com metacestódeos no reservatório do Juqueri, São Paulo, Brasil. Biota Neotropica, v. 11, p. 179-182.