Technology Park

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To participate in the development of scientific and technological research, the ITP invests not only in human resources, but also in state-of-the-art equipment that leads to accurate results. This equipment is acquired through the ITP’s own resources, and through partnerships with development agencies such as Capes, CNPq, FINEP, and FAPITEC/SE. Our technology park contains the following pieces of scientific equipment:

BET - Pore and Micro-particle Surface Analyzer
Thermo-gravimetric Analyzers
Atomic Absorption Equipment
Laminar FlowCabinet
LC Chromatograph
GCMS Chromatograph
GCMS Chromatograph
FID Chromatograph
X-ray Diffractometer
UV/VIS Spectrophotometer
Hach UV/VIS Spectrophotometer
Spectrum Antaris MI NIR
CO2 Greenhouse
Freeze Dryer
Micro Durometer
Tissue Processor
Mass Spectrometry System
Ultrasonic Probe
Tube Block Test
Laser Diffraction Particle Size Analyzer MALVERN Zetasizer Nano Series
Laser diffraction particle size analyzer MALVERN Mastersizer 2000
Differential Scanning Calorimeter DSC TA Instrument Model MODEL Q20
Centrifuge for determining petroleum BSW - New technique
HPLC Chromatograph
Anton Paar 4500M Density Meter
Ultra SonicDebris Remover - Cole Paar
Medium Infrared Spectrophotometer - Mettler Toledo Model ReactIR 45
ABB Infrared Spectrophotometer - ABB
Near-Infrared Spectrophotometer - Bulker
Continuous-Flow Microwave Reactor - Millestare
Monowave Microwave Reactor - Discover CEM
Multiwave Microwave Reactor - Anton PaarSynthos 3000
Interfacial Rheometer - Anton PaarPhysica MCR 301
Interfacial Rheometer - Anton PaarPhysica MCR 301
Ultra Refrigerated Centrifuge - Hermle